Parents and teachers, coordinate with a healthcare worker you know to drop items off at his or her house.
Teachers, consider providing a box at your school where families can drop off items for donation. Ask a parent who works at a hospital to pick up and deliver to their colleagues.
Look up the address of your nearest hospital and send it by mail.
To send a digital item:
Send your creations to We will deliver your creation to healthcare workers working on the front line. Include your child's name, city, state, and, if you're a teacher, the name of your school.
Keep an eye out on social media for thank yous from the recipients!
We are building an army of volunteers who can share these messages with their colleagues. If you are a healthcare worker, please let us know if you'd be willing to share kids' creations with your colleagues by sending an email to
Help us spread your kindness around the country! Send us your creations to share and we will pin your location.
Hospitals that will be helped by your kids*:
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Christiana Hospital Geisinger Medical Center Einstein Medical Center Kaiser Permanente Lankenau Medical Center Main Line Health Nemours Children's Health System Penn Medicine Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Temple Health
And many more to come!
* While this site connects your acts of kindness with healthcare workers, we know there are many more people who are working on the front line in grocery stores, delivering mail, removing trash, and many more. Please consider sending your messages to them as well!